Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 2153200) and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2016M602712).
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 2153200) and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2016M602712).
† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 2153200) and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2016M602712).
Fractional Stokes–Einstein relation described by D ∼ (τ/T)ξ is observed in supercooled water, where D is the diffusion constant, τ the structural relaxation time, T the temperature, and the exponent ξ ≠ −1. In this work, the Stokes–Einstein relation in TIP5P water is examined at high temperatures within 400 K–800 K. Our results indicate that the fractional Stokes–Einstein relation is explicitly existent in TIP5P water at high temperatures, demonstrated by the two usually adopted variants of the Stokes–Einstein relation, D ∼ τ−1 and D ∼ T/τ, as well as by D ∼ T/η, where η is the shear viscosity. Both D ∼ τ−1 and D ∼ T/τ are crossed at temperature Tx = 510 K. The D ∼ τ−1 is in a fractional form as D ∼ τξ with ξ = −2.09 for T ≤ Tx and otherwise ξ = −1.25. The D ∼ T/τ is valid with ξ = −1.01 for T ≤ Tx but in a fractional form for T > Tx. The Stokes–Einstein relation D ∼ T/η is satisfied below Tx = 620 K but in a fractional form above Tx. We propose that the breakdown of D ∼ T/η may result from the system entering into the super critical region, the fractional forms of D ∼ τ−1 and D ∼ T/τ are due to the disruption of the hydration shell and the local tetrahedral structure as well as the increase of the shear viscosity.
Water is the most abundant liquid on earth. Although a water molecule is a simple compound composed of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms, it exhibits many anomalies compared with simple liquids,[1] such as its density decreasing upon cooling below 4 °C, and volume fluctuation increasing with temperature decreasing if temperature T < 46 °C, but exhibits normal behavior when T > 46 °C. Apart from the anomalies in structure and thermodynamic properties, the breakdown of the Stokes–Einstein relation is observed in supercooled water.[2–4]
The Stokes–Einstein relation relates the diffusion constant to the frictional coefficient for a particle moving through a viscous fluid,[5] namely D = kBT/Cηa, where D is the diffusion constant, kB is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature, η is the shear viscosity, a is the effective hydrodynamic radius, and C is a constant determined by the boundary conditions.[6] The correctness of the Stokes–Einstein relation has been confirmed in many cases.[7–11] However, the Stokes–Einstein relation is observed to be invalid for liquids undergoing deep supercooling:[2,10–14] the increase rate of η can be much faster than the decrease rate of D in a deep supercooled regime. The effective hydrodynamic radius is usually considered to be a constant. The ratio Dη/T is almost a constant for T > 1.5Tg and otherwise not a constant if T < 1.5Tg, where Tg is the glass transition temperature.[3,15]
It is difficult to accurately determine η in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The structural relaxation τ changes similarly to η when cooling and is usually adopted as a substitute for η.[5] Two variants of the Stokes–Einstein relation, D∼T/τ[2,3] and D ∼ τ−1,[16,17] are usually adopted as substitutes to test the Stokes–Einstein relation. The dynamics of liquid experience a large change with a slight temperature decrease in a deep supercooling regime; the two variants give almost the same results. The D∼τ−1 is based on the structural relaxation given by the self-intermediate scattering function, which can be described by Fs (k,t) = e−k2Dt if the displacement of particle follows the Gaussian function. In simple liquids, Fs (k, t) relaxes exponentially as Fs (k,t)∼ e−t/τ; thereafter D is coupled with τ like D ∼ τ−1. The same variant is also proposed in the mode coupling theory if the temperature is close to the glass phase transition point.[16]D∼T/τ is based on the approximate relation η = G∞τ,[2,3] where G∞ is the instantaneous shear modulus and is presumed to be constant.
Both D∼T/τ[2,3] and D∼τ−1[16,17] are observed to be invalid in supercooled liquids; moreover, they are usually in a fractional form as D ∼ (T/τ)ξ and D ∼ τξ, respectively. The variant D∼T/τ was usually adopted to evaluate the Stokes–Einstein relation in supercooled water. Xu et al.[2] carried out experiments with confined water and performed MD simulations with TIP5P water and the Jagla model; they observed that the variant has a cross point while cooling from 400 K to 210 K. It takes a fractional form as D ∼(τ/T)ξ with ξ > −1 in supercooled state and ξ ≈ 1 at high temperatures. Kumar et al.[3] evaluated the Stokes–Einstein relation in TIP5P and ST2 water with the same variant; they found that the breakdown of the Stokes–Einstein is related with the crossing of the Widom line. The Stokes–Einstein relation and the Stokes–Einstein–Debye relation were also observed to breakdown in ST2[18] and SPC/E water.[15] A similar fractional form is observed for both mobile and immobile ST2 water. It is proposed that the breakdown of the Stokes–Einstein relation is due to the dynamic heterogeneity that some water molecules relax faster and some relax slower.[19] Different relaxation components and relaxation decoupling have been observed in SPC/E water.[15] The dynamic heterogeneity is proposed to result from the structure change, after crossing the Widom line, water decomposes into the low density water and high density water.[2,3]
The Stokes–Einstein relation described by the variant breaks down in supercooled water; an interesting question is whether the same breakdown is also existent in water at high temperature away from the glass transition point. Shi et al.[5] performed simulations with Lenard-Jones-like liquids and coarse-graining ortho-terphenyl across a broad range of temperatures and densities, aiming to test the rationality of the two variants, D ∼ τ−1 and D ∼ T/τ, by comparing with results given by D∼T/η. They found that the results given by D∼τ−1 and D ∼ T/τ deviate from the results given by D∼T/η while cooling; although D∼T/η is still valid for some temperature regime, D ∼ τ−1 and D ∼T/τ breakdown. The self-consistent generalized Langevin equation theory[20–22] has predicted the dynamic equivalence between soft-sphere liquid and hard sphere-liquid,[21] and both D and τ are functions of Pσ3/T only, where P is the pressure of the system and σ is the effective rigid sphere diameter. P is usually a monotonic function of T; so similar breakdown of D∼τ−1 and D∼T/τ may be observed at high temperatures. Moreover, a water molecule is not existent as a bare molecule but is hydrated in liquid water. The hydrated structure and local tetrahedral structure are likely to be disrupted at high temperatures, and further leading to different increase rate D and decrease rate τ. Based on the facts, we propose that a similar fractional Stokes–Einstein relation may also be existent in water at high temperature. In this work, we perform MD simulation with TIP5P water with a constant density at temperatures within 400 K–800 K to examine our proposition; the two variants of the Stokes–Einstein relation, D ∼τ−1 and D ∼ T/τ, are evaluated, and the Stokes–Einstein relation given by D ∼ T/η is also evaluated.
The configuration for the MD simulation is composed of 2048 TIP5P water molecules[23] with a constant density of 1 g/cm3; the system displays a cross point from a normal Stokes–Einstein relation to a fractional form when cooling from 400 K to 210 K.[2] All our MD simulations were performed with the GROMACS package.[24,25] The periodic boundary conditions were applied in all three directions of the Cartesian space. The particle mesh Ewald algorithm[26] was employed to calculate the long-range electrostatic interactions with a cutoff of 1.0 nm in the real space. The van der Waals interactions were calculated directly with a truncated spherical cutoff of 1.0 nm. The temperature simulated in this work is uniformly distributed within 400 K–800 K in steps of 20 K. The system temperature was kept constant by the Nosé–Hoover thermostat.[27,28] The system was first equilibrated for 5 ns at each temperature, after which another NVE MD simulation was performed to sample data. The time step for all MD simulations was 1 fs and the configurations were sampled every 10 steps for data analysis.
To evaluate the variants of the Stokes–Einstein in TIP5P water, we first determine the diffusion constant and the structural relaxation time. The diffusion constant is calculated via its asymptotic relation with the mean square displacement (MSD)
![]() | Fig. 1. (color online) (a) Plots of mean square displacement (MSD) versus time t at different temperatures; (b) plots of diffusion constant D versus temperature T. |
The structural relaxation of water is described by the self-intermediate scattering function
The two variants of the Stokes–Einstein relation, D ∼ τ−1 and D ∼ T/τ, are evaluated by D ∼ τξ and D ∼ (τ/T)ξ. The logarithms of τ and D are plotted in Fig.
Each of D ∼ τ−1 and D ∼ T/τ takes a fractional form within 400 K–800 K. To make sure whether the Stokes–Einstein is really breakdown and also takes a fractional form, we evaluate the Stokes–Einstein relation by D∼T/η. In this work, the method proposed by Hess is adopted to calculate the shear viscosity due to its reliability and fast convergence.[29] The method is a non-equilibrium method. An external force ax = A · cos (qz) is applied in the X direction, where A is the maximum of ax, q = 2π/l, l is the simulation box size. The steady-state solution of the fluid equation is
The force ax needs choosing carefully to determine the shear viscosity: neither too large nor too small.[29] To obtain a correct shear viscosity, we determine the linear dependence regime for different temperatures. The schematic representation of the linear dependence regime between A and V at T = 400, 500, and 800 K is plotted in Fig.
Combining the diffusion constant with shear viscosity, the Stokes–Einstein relation D∼T/η is evaluated by D∼(T/η)ξ. The curves of the logarithm of D versus the logarithm of T/η are plotted in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 6. (color online) Testing the Stokes–Einstein relation by D ∼ T/η. The symbols represent the calculated data and solid lines are fitted by D ∼ (T/η)ξ. |
A comparison between the results given by D ∼ τ−1 and D ∼ T/τ suggests that D ∼ T/τ is a good variant of the Stokes–Einstein relation within 400 K–520 K but D ∼ τ−1 is not for all temperatures. The values of cross point temperature Tx are different for D ∼ T/η, D ∼ τ−1 and D ∼ T/τ : Tx = 620 K for D ∼ T/η, Tx = 510 K for D ∼ τ−1 and D ∼ T/τ. The temperature Tx = 510 K is almost located at the temperature at which the shear viscosity gets its last decrease as shown in Fig.
The breakdown of the Stokes–Einstein relation is proposed to be due to the dynamic heterogeneity.[3,15] The dynamic heterogeneity is usually charaterized by the non-Gaussian parameter α2 (t) = 3⟨r4(t)⟩/5⟨r2(t)⟩2 −1.[32] Figure
![]() | Fig. 8. (color online) Variations of non-Gaussian parameter α2 with time t at different temperatures. |
A water molecule is existent as a hydrated water molecule surrounded by the hydration shell. It is not free but moving partially or whole with the hydration shell. The hydration shell is significant for the dynamics of the center water molecule.[33] To obtain a picture of the hydration structure change with temperature, we calculate the radial distribution functions (RDFs) of water at different temperatures and plot the results in Fig.
To characterize the dynamics of the hydration shell, we calculate the residence correlation function (C(t))[34] of the main hydration shell. C(t) describes the lifetime of the water molecule in the main hydration shell. We choose the first minimum of the RDF as the size of the main hydration shell, namely 0.4 nm. C(t) at different temperatures and lifetime τH is defined by C(τH) = e−1 and its time depedent values at different temperatures are plotted in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 11. (color online) Plots of logarithm of τH versus 1/T. The data are fitted by τH = τH0 exp (E0/kBT). |
The structural relaxation relates to the fluctuation of the density. Water molecules are likely to form a local tetrahedral structure due to the hydrogen-bonding. To characterize the local structure, we adopt the local tetrahedral structural order parameter[2] defined as
Combining the results given by the hydration structure, HDA and viscosity, the disruption of hydration shell and the local tetrhedral structure as well as the increase of the shear viscosity lead to different increases of the diffusion and decreases of the relaxation, which further leads the variants of the Stokes–Einstein relation to break down. The breakdown of D ∼ T/η may result from the system entering into a super critical region while heating. As the hydration effect decreases and the system is located in the super critical region while heating, the effective hydrodynamic radius should not be a constant for all temperatures. The effective hydrodynamic radius is evaluated by a ∼ T/ηD and the scaled effective hydrodynamic radius
In this work, we have performed atomistic molecular dynamics simulations to explore the Stokes–Einstein relation of TIP5P water with a constant density at high temperatures in a range of 400 K–800 K. Our results indicate that the fractional Stokes–Einstein is also existent in TIP5P water at high temperatures within 400 K–800 K similar to the scenario in supercooled water. The two variants of the Stokes–Einstein relation, D ∼ τ−1 and D ∼ T/τ, are crossed at temperature Tx = 510 K while heating; a similar cross point is observed at Tx = 620 K for the Stokes–Einstein relation evaluated by D ∼ T/η. For D ∼ τ−1, it takes a fractional form like D ∼ τξ for all temperatures with ξ = −2.09 when T < Tx and −1.25 if T > Tx. For D ∼ T/τ, it takes a fractional form as D ∼ (τ/T)ξ; ξ is −1.01 below Tx and −0.51 above Tx. D∼T/η is satisfied below Tx = 620 K but is existent in a fractional form as D ∼ (T/η)ξ with ξ = 1.21 when T > Tx. Each of the three formulas takes a fractional form above a crossover temperature, which is similar to the scenario in supercooled water at low temperatures. Our results indicate that the fractional form of the Stokes–Einstein relation is explicitly existent in TIP5P water at high temperatures.
A comparison of the results given by D ∼ τ−1 and D ∼ T/τ with those obtained by the Stokes–Einstein relation given D ∼ T/η shows that D ∼ T/τ is a good variant of the Stokes–Einstein relation for TIP5P water within 400 K–510 K, but D ∼ τ−1 is not for all temperatures within 400 K–800 K. The displacement of water molecule deviates from a Gaussian distribution as demonstrated by the non-Gaussian parameter; although the deviation is much smaller than that in supercooled water, yet it leads to the breakdown of D ∼ τ−1. The D ∼ T/η and D ∼ T/τ are broken down into a fractional form at high temperature with smaller deviations from the Gaussian distribution; but both are valid with a larger dynamic heterogeneity below Tx. It is different from the observed breakdown in supercooled water at low temperatures. As the water is at high temperature and in an equilibrium state, we should expect the validity of the Stokes–Einstein relation. The thermal random movement is likely to disrupt the hydration shell of water and the local tetrahedral structure while heating; moreover, the system may enter into the super critical region while heating, which lead to different increases of diffusion and decreases of relaxation as well as the two Arrhenius laws displayed in diffusion and relaxation. Moreover, the hydration effect decreases and less water molecules are correlated with the center water molecule with temperature increasing; the population of HDA increases with temperature increasing but increases more slowly as the temperature further increases. The effective hydrodynamic radius is not a constant for all temperatures but decreases with temperature increasing for T > 660 K. We propose that the fractional forms of D ∼ τ−1 and D ∼ T/τ are due to the disruption of the hydration shells and local tetrahedral structure as well as the increase of shear viscosity; the breakdown of D ∼ T/η may be due to the system entering into a critical region when heating; the effective hydrodynamic radius should be critically evaluated while testing the Stokes–Einstein relation when the conditions experience a large change.
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